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inAfrica is an online platform for booking adventure activities & experiences in Southern Africa. inAfrica’s core purpose is to connect, travellers from all walks of life with providers of activities and experiences in Southern Africa, ensuring a mutually beneficial experience that is operated and hosted via the InAfrica platform.

South Africa
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Immersive African experiences for local and international travellers

InAfrica is a new online booking marketplace for experiences that showcases meaningful experiences and activities to travellers who would otherwise never have found them.

They wanted to connect urban and rural providers of authentic, immersive African experiences with travellers from all walks of life, be they domestic, regional and inbound to the African continent.

How Tashi Helped

Tashi worked with InAfrica to bring their vision for the future of African travel to life by incorporating their custom branding into an innovative online marketplace.

Travellers can search, book and pay for their preferred experience, get confirmations and manage their bookings in an easy to use booking flow.

Powerful search features let users discover experiences by text, location, tag, price, duration and theme.

inAfrica is able to showcase their recommended countries and regions using Tashi’s SEO optimised ‘Destination’ and ‘Sub-destination’ page templates. Destinations and Sub-destination can be Countries, Regions, States, Cities or whatever they want. They can contain information about the Destination, links to the Experiences available in that destination as well as links to blogs written related to that destination.

When it comes to the experiences because inAfrica’s experience management extranet is powered by Tashi’s booking software, a wide array of suppliers can sell any number of product types.

inAfrica’s suppliers have the freedom to self-manage their listings, configure their content, pricing and availability to suit their specific requirements.

inAfrica’s operations team use their marketplace administrative portal to manage received from their marketplace as well as set up the communications flow to ensure their guests get a personalized experience.

Learn more about Tashi's Travel Marketplace platform


Visit for authentic, immersive experiences across Southern Africa.

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